This video means a lot to us at Hud-Son Forest Equipment as we near the 76th Annual NYS Woodsmen’s Field Days. Our founder, Dan Hudon SR, attended almost every Woodsmen’s Field Days while he was alive. Almost 70 times he attended the field days. The Woodsmen’s Field Days was started by a dear friend of Dan Hudon SR, Reverend Frank Reed. Reverend Reed hosted the first Woodsmen’s Field Days in Old Forge, NY in 1948. The first year brought nearly 1300 spectators together and showed a $600 dollar profit. 1948 was the only year that the Woodsmen’s Field Days was hosted in Old Forge. In 1949 Woodmen’s was hosted in Tupper Lake and remained there until 1962. A large, carved statue of Paul Bunyan still stands near where the events were held. In 1962, the field days moved to Boonville, with the understanding that it would be hosted every other year by the two north country communities. Boonville was chosen because of the facilities available at the Boonville-Oneida County Fairgrounds off Route 294. Through 1971, the event was hosted in alternate years by Tupper Lake and Boonville. However, in 1972, the Tupper Lake Chamber of Commerce found it impossible to sponsor the field days. The Boonville Chamber of Commerce decided to host the event on an annual basis. It has become a traditional weekend assembly for many in upstate, NY. The third weekend in August has become common to most in the area as “Woodmen’s Weekend” automatically in their summer planning. Activities include: numerous contests like log rolling, chain sawing, axe throw, crosscut, bow sawing, horizontal log chop, speed chopping, tree felling and fire building; as well as wood carving, tours of wood businesses, wood crafts, beards contest, parade, horse skidding competition, greased pole climb, foot race, exhibits, seminars and more.
(13) Week of 2019 Woodsmen’s Field Day’s Interview with Dan Hudon SR – YouTube
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